Belgian-Style Pale Strong Ale beers are highly attenuated and have a perceptively deceiving high alcoholic character—being light to medium bodied rather than full bodied. The intensity of malt character should be low to medium, often surviving along with a complex fruitiness. Very little or no diacetyl is perceived. Herbs and spices are sometimes used to delicately flavor these strong ales. Chill haze is allowable at cold temperatures.
Original Gravity (Plato) 1.064-1.096 (16-24 Plato)
Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (Plato) 1.012-1.024 (3-6 Plato)
Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 5.6-8.8 (7.0-11.0)
Bitterness (IBU) 20-50
Color SRM (EBC) 3.5-7 (7-14 EBC)