A-Z Beers

Beers by Type » Special » Bons Voeux

Bons Voeux
Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
To drink at cellar temperature (12C) or even chilled, as an aperitif or as the companion of your pate...
Country: Belgium
Brewery: Brasserie Dupont
Alcohol: 9.50  %
Served: 12  °C
Type: Ale, Special, Saison
Accessory:  Bons Voeux 33cl
The Bons Veux is a blond top fermentation beer with refermentation in the bottle.
Since 1970, the brewery has been brewing a special beer to give as a new years present to their best clients. (the name of this beer "Avec les bons Veux de la brasserie Dupont" means "With the best wishes of the brewery Dupont").
Because of the increasing success, they started to commercialise this "gift" but kept the name. Although the demands were considerable, only a small quantity was brewed, so they had to make a reservation list, even months before new year.
This beer is coppery blond, has very fine hop aromas and tastes bitter, fruity and mild.
Our selection of yeasts, in combination with a long during riping process, on a "dry hopping" base, are creating a typical and complex aroma and taste.
A real refermentation in the bottle, which will continue for a long time in your cellar, result in a harmonious and well-balanced beer, full of unexpected and complex aromas.

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store