A-Z Beers

Beers by Type » Artizanal » Dulle Griet

Dulle Griet
Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
Brownish colour with a thin thread of white head. Some yeast aroma and alcohol.
Country: Belgium
Brewery: De Scheldebrouwerij
Alcohol: 8.50  %
Type: Ale, Bruin, Artizanal
A: pours a cloudy, dark (red-dates like) reddish brown hue, coming with a fast dissipating beige foam and mild carbonation.
S: pretty sweet pilsner and caramel malts on a par with fruit esters expanding in the air, backed by fragrant dates, sweet berry-fruits, a touch of nuts and mild chocolatey dark malts. Overall, as aromatic estery as malty on the balance but with a touch of sweet brown sugar too much.
T: sour-sweet caramel malts and red dates, estery spiciness as in Chinese red-bean paste, backed by a faint note of black cherry; slightly chewy in the aftertaste, showing a little powdery spiciness and very little hop bitterness, while a rather soothing and aromatic malty undertone lingers.
M&D: very soft on the carbonation, and medium-bodied. All in all, a pretty decent and reasonably tasty dark ale!

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store