A-Z Beers

All Beers » Heen Weer

Heen Weer
Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
This Belgian beer pours a golden yellow hue with decent carbonation that leaves behind a one finger head and a rim of lacing, the smell of this brew is very herbal with aromas of coriander, pepper, citrus and banana peels.
Country: Netherlands
Brewery: Brouwerij de Molen
Alcohol: 9.50  %
Served: 8-10  °C
Type: Ale, Blond, Triple, Artizanal, Non-Belgian
This Belgian beer pours a golden yellow hue with decent carbonation that leaves behind a one finger head and a rim of lacing, the smell of this brew is very herbal with aromas of coriander, pepper, citrus and banana peels.
Mouth feel tastes of coriander, barnyard funk, Belgian yeast.

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store