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All Beers » Beer Geek Breakfast Bourbon

Beer Geek Breakfast Bourbon
Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
Black with a small dark brown head. Aroma is roasted malt, coffee and vanilla. Flavor is very sweet and rather bitter. Dry and moderate bitter finish. Soft and smooth. Great mouthfeel and very good balance
Country: Denmark
Brewery: Mikkeller
Alcohol: 10.70  %
Served: 8-10  °C
Type: Ale, Stout, Artizanal, Non-Belgian, Limited
It pours black – there is no other way to describe it. Just black. There is a three finger thick, foamy tan head. Excellent retention. Down to one inch after about a minute which held for several minutes after. Excellent patchy lacing is left all over the snifter. Rich and complex aroma of dark roasted malts, rich coffee, dark chocolate, and woody bourbon notes that have a bit of an alcohol burn to them. The first sip makes it immediately clear that the taste is as complex as the aroma. Absolutely delicious. The roasted malt backbone is definitely present and layered on top are rich luxurious coffee and bitter dark chocolate. There is the light touch of vanilla and a notable presence of oak and tannins in the character. It is has a long, dry finish that is actually quite bitter. The alcohol warming sensation is long present after the swallow. It is full bodied, smooth, and a bit oily. The carbonation is light with small streams of bubbles heading for the surface throughout the experience. This is the perfect beer to pour in a snifter and park yourself by a fire on a cold day like today. Don’t pass this one up if you see it.

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store