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All Beers » Gruut Blond

Gruut Blond
Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
"Gruut" is an ancient Flemish coin. In medieval Ghent, brewers used Gruuts to pay taxes on the richness of their brew. Gruut Blonde beer is gently barleyd, has a neutral or light and sweet taste with a bitter aftertaste obtained with the special season selection of gruut.
Country: Belgium
Brewery: GRUUT Gentse Stadsbrouwerij
Alcohol: 5.50  %
Served: 7  °C
Type: Ale, Blond, Artizanal
Clear medium yellow color with a large, frothy to creamy, good lacing, mostly lasting, white to off-white head. Aroma is moderate malty, toasted, light hoppy, light to moderate yeasty, fruity. Flavor is moderate sweet and light to moderate bitter with a average to long duration. Body is medium, texture is oily, carbonation is soft

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store