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All Beers » Fruits Sauvages

Fruits Sauvages
Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
Golden in color pour with a larger 1.5 inch or more large bubbled foamy head. Reamins at a full 1/2 inch at all times while drinking. Leaves behind chunks, streaks and patches or lace. Sugary sweet and tart at the same time scents of apricot mainly, but also blackberry and raspberry.
Country: Belgium
Brewery: Guldenboot - Leireken
Alcohol: 5.00  %
Type: Ale, Bio, Artizanal
Golden in color pour with a larger 1.5 inch or more large bubbled foamy head. Reamins at a full 1/2 inch at all times while drinking. Leaves behind chunks, streaks and patches or lace. Sugary sweet and tart at the same time scents of apricot mainly, but also blackberry and raspberry.
Flanders like tartness, but also a sugary flavor of mixed fruit. Apricot leads the way with some sour tangerine and blackberry. Tropical tea like flavor at times. A light annoying metallic flavor hoovers in the background for almost the entire beer though.

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store