A-Z Beers

All Beers » Westvleteren 12

Westvleteren 12
Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
In many occasions this Belgian Trappist beer is rated as the best beer in the world... claim your free Westvleteren at Beer Planet today.
Country: Belgium
Brewery: Sint-Sixtus
Alcohol: 10.20  %
Plato: 0.00  °P
Served: 12-15  °C
Type: Ale, Strong Ale, Quadro, Trappist, Limited
The Belgian Trappist Westvleteren 12 are bottle conditioned and are considered to have a long shelf life, with some drinkers preferring the taste when the beers have been stored for several years.The ingredients are yeast, hops,malt,sugar,caramel and water.
The color of the beer is dark red-brown color with light brown, medium head. The head is creamy and frothy and left lacing on the glass.
The mouth feel is carbonated, warming, and smooth. The body of the beer is medium This beer is fantastic, it has so much going on in it, yet it is so simple. The flavor explode in your mouth and is very easy to drink.

Westvleteren Trappist beer is not a commercial item at Beer Planet.

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store