A-Z Beers

All Beers » La Mere Noel

La Mere Noel
Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
This is a blond x-mas ale. Nice white head ans some carbonation. Hoppy smell. Soft smooth taste.
Country: Belgium
Brewery: Brouwerij Huyghe
Alcohol: 8.50  %
Type: Lager, Pale Lager, Christmas, Artizanal
A - Color is clear and lemony not too much yeast in this glass. There is a low, light, slightly yeasty head. Some crystalline pearly lacing.

S - Lots of apricot. Some peaches and figs. Very sweet almost sugary. But still some wine-like sour malty smells.

T - a bit sour. Green apples. Aftertaste is fruity and a bit buttery/ yeasty. Like a nice peach cobbler.

M - buttery and fizzy. Creamy and viscous. Pearly drops sliding down the throat.

D - very drinkable. Not overly hoppy or sour middle of the road but easy to drink.

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store