A-Z Beers

All Beers » Floris Passion

Floris Passion
Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
Floris Passion is a fruit beer with passion fruit flavour.
Country: Belgium
Brewery: Brouwerij Huyghe
Alcohol: 3.00  %
Type: Ale, Passion Fruit, White, Artizanal
This Belgian beer has color of a mix between pink and orange, 3/4 inch bubbly slightly off white head that lasts a few minutes, minimal lacing, aroma has a mix of different fruits including oranges, strawberries, guava, mango, peaches, sugar, blackberries, and lemon, smell taste starts off with a big complex fruit flavor, but it is very sweet and not sour in any way, more sweetness from fruits in the middle, finish has a big peach flavor with lingering candied sugar, sweet, fruity, and citrus mouth feel.

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store