A-Z Beers

All Beers » Delirium Christmas

Delirium Christmas
Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
Upon pouring this beer, you will see a unique cloudy reddish brown ale. The head rose up a solid 2 cm, brown & tannish, but quickly relaxed back into the brew, leaving nice lacing on the glass, and opening the bouquet up to the nose.
Country: Belgium
Brewery: Brouwerij Huyghe
Alcohol: 10.00  %
Type: Ale, Triple, Christmas, Artizanal
Smells include candy sugar, apples, peaches, and various spices. Taste is heavy on apple, mixed with some caramel, banana, bubblegum, and pepper. Alcohol is present but blended very well.

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store