A-Z Beers

A-Z Beers » Valeir Divers

Valeir Divers
Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
Pours a cloudy light orange with a small white head. Aroma of yeast, corn, breadiness. Flavor of sweet fruits (especially apple and pear) upfront with a bready and yeasty and spicy finish.
Country: Belgium
Brewery: Brouwerij Contreras
Alcohol: 8.50  %
Type: Ale, Blond, Artizanal
Accessory:  Valeir 33cl
Appearance: Golden and semi-clear with three fingers of pure white head. The head settles to a small disc but never disappears.

Smell: Big funky barnyard aroma with a bit of fruitiness noticeable underneath (lemon, pear). Floral, slightly medicinal. Complex and yeasty but not overwhelming. Really nice.

Taste & mouthfeel: Light fruitiness up-front, more on the citrus side and there"s not much sweetness present. Slightly medicinal/phenolic mid-palate. The dry, grainy malt backbone is fairly prevalent but this one is more about the complex yeast character. Little but earthy and rubbery in the finish, and very dry. Would not have guessed this is 9%, it"s remarkably light and easy to drink.

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store