A-Z Beers

Beers by Type » Blond » Boerinneken

Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
Country: Belgium
Brewery: Den Ouden Advokaat
Alcohol: 9.50  %
Served: 7  °C
Type: Ale, Blond, Artizanal
Aroma is a dark reddish orangey hue with fairly good clarity comes with consistent and mild streams of fine carbonation, topped with a tight pale beige froth that lasts just superbly.
Smell is gosh, the aroma is sweet, but the sweetness is also coupled with milder, pleasant hints of old tangerines, spiciness as of dried olives, salty dried hawthorn-fruits, a touch of banana oil and overripe pineapples and pears... Given a very good swirl, an enticing and complex note of fruit esters and a touch of grassy hops reveal themselves.
Taste is mildly sweet, citric-fruity foretaste is actually quite low-profiled, followed by bitter orangey hops, a lightly chewy tannic palate of spicy yeastiness, sweet prunes, and a substantial aftertaste featuring underlying waves of tea-ish bitter tannins and mild marmalade (featuring the tangy-spicy peels).
M&D: the softly-carbonated and mellow beer evolves from a dangerously sweet malty liquid on the nose to a surprisingly understated yet complex flavour on the palate, finished with a decent input of hops and all the trimmings of a Belgian yeasty ale, while not much alc. is picked up during the tasting, not even in the very end.

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store