A-Z Beers

Beers by Type » Strong Ale » Augustijn Brune

Augustijn Brune
Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
The beer is very dark amber in color. It poured with a finger high creamy tan head that has good retention properties; a thin layer of bubbles consistently covered the surface. A moderate amount of carbonation is visible.
Country: Belgium
Brewery: Van Steenberge Bios
Alcohol: 7.00  %
Served: 8  °C
Type: Ale, Strong Ale, Bruin
Accessory:  Augustijn 33cl
Pours clear brown with reddish tint and huge, foamy and rocky off-white head and patchy lacing. Aroma is strong malt, a bit of wood with hints of alcohol.

Taste is clean caramel malt, some wooden feel, lots of presence of dried fruit, spicy yeast and pleasant alcohol warming that slowly increases its presence. Mouthfeel is about medium with lively and rather high carbonation.

Overall, very refreshing and drinkable Dark Ale, maybe lacks body, but flavours compensate for that.

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store