A-Z Beers

Beers by Type » Artizanal » Rulles Cuvee Du 12eme Anniversaire

Rulles Cuvee Du 12eme Anniversaire
Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
Small flat ... one brew (2900 liters) for the latter. ... And the last bottles were sold.
Country: Belgium
Brewery: Brasserie de Rulles
Alcohol: 5.40  %
Served: 8-10  °C
Type: Ale, Amber, Artizanal
Reminder: 12 years since Gregory talent mixed with malts and hops for the sake of all beer lovers. For "water" as it was the anniversary, the brewery had concocted a nice amber very lightly as it headlined only 5.4 ° alcohol, "Cuvée twelfth anniversary." The opportunity for him to test a new biscuit malt with hops Simcoe. The result was surprising: tasty, well balanced and very "easy to drink"!

Small flat ... one brew (2900 liters) for the latter. ... And the last bottles were sold.

It is hoped that Gregory changed his mind and another is brewing on the horizon! there will be more, whereas a name ... If you lack inspiration not, do not hesitate to send us your ideas!

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store