A-Z Beers

All Beers » Kapittel Pater

Kapittel Pater
Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
A true Belgian beer, which pours a three finger cream head that fades quickly to a thin layer leaving a good lace. Medium-strong carbonation and medium bodied. Cloudy brown color. Yeast left in bottom of bottle. Nose is dark fruit. Flavor is dark fruit and caramel but finish has metallic hints.
Country: Belgium
Brewery: Brouwerij Van Eecke
Alcohol: 6.00  %
Type: Ale, Bruin, Double, Abbey
Pours opaque brown with some orange color around the edges;

Smells of sweet malt, nut, caramel, dark fruits, roasted malt, grains, raisins, molasses, some orange peel and whiffs of alcohol. Pretty nice nose that was sweet and complex.

Tastes of sweet malt, nut, caramel, yeast, grains, dark fruit like raisins and plums, molasses, brown sugar and faint alcohol like rum. Pretty complex flavor that is sweet overall, yet complicated enough to be enjoyable as it ends with a sweet fruity taste much like a port wine. It"s mellow throughout, but then resembles the slight bitter feel of a merlot and the tannins as it slides down; it was a nice sipper.

Mouthfeel is smooth and creamy yet chewy at the same time, with a medium body and very light carbonation. Easy to drink as this brew hides the alcohol well.

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store