A-Z Beers

A-Z Beers » Kameleon Amber

Kameleon Amber
Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
This beer has a delightful presentation in its tulip glass with a beautiful Victorian-white head and a glowing straw-berry blonde color.
Country: Belgium
Brewery: Brouwerij Den Hopperd
Alcohol: 6.00  %
Served: 8-10  °C
Type: Ale, Amber, Bio, Artizanal
This beer has a delightful presentation in its tulip glass with a beautiful Victorian-white head and a glowing straw-berry blonde color. Nice medium mouthfeel with decent carbonation. The flavor is a little spicy and tangy, but the true pleasure of this beer is to be found in the nose. Exceptional and snappy! It smells of e scent of summer veggies, fresh cut grass, citrus and a little pepper. This is a beer you can really sit with and appreciate without even drinking! The well-crafted tulip glass helps augment the delicious aroma. It's refermented in the bottle, and une biere biologique - bonus!
This beer is retired and no longer brewed.

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store