A-Z Beers

Beers by Region » Belgium » Orval

Price: Not sold by PolyBEER
Orval Belgian Trappist Ale, often referred to as The Queen of Trappists. It was first made in 1931, and has a complex and unusual flavor and aroma produced by a unique strain of yeast.
Country: Belgium
Brewery: Abbaye Orval
Alcohol: 6.20  %
Plato: 10.00  °P
Served: 12-15  °C
Type: Ale, Pale Ale, Triple, Trappist
Accessory:  Orval 33cl
The beer is light in color, slightly cloudy, and has a large, foamy head. There is a complex aroma of leather, horse blanket, spice, and many other earthy components.

Evidence of brewing goes back to the earliest days of the monastery. A document written by the abbot in 1628 directly refers to the consumption of beer and wine by the monks. The last of the brewers to be a monk was Brother Pierre, up until the 1793 fire.

In 1931 the present day brewery was built, employing lay people and intended to provide a source of funds for the monastery reconstruction. It was designed by Henry Vaes, who also designed the distinctive Orval beer glass. The first beer was shipped from the brewery on 7 May 1932, and was sold in barrels rather than the bottles of today. Orval was the first Trappist beer to be sold nationally around Belgium.

Brugse Zot blond from Brewery De Halve Maan is available in the Beer Store