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Beer Recipes » Main dishes » Tournedos in Duvel with chive sauce

    4 tournedos of 200 gr each
    mini tomatoes
    red lettice and cellery leave
    Vegetable stuffing:
    20 gr butter, 35 gr carrots, 10 gr cellery, 35 gr onions,
    35 gr mushrooms (cut in a mirepoix of 5 mm), pepper, salt, a bit of thyme
    1 bottle of Duvel
    120 gr chopped echalots
    2 dl chicken bouillon
    35 cl cream
    1 soup spoon of water cress mousse (fry water cress and add egg + cream, heat it up, put in a baking pot and put into the oven)
    1 soup spoon of chopped chive
    3 soup spoons of water
    100 gr butter
    juice of 1/2 lemon
    pepper and salt
    2 dl demi-glace sauce (half- thickened sauce)

Stew the vegetables, first the carrots and then the other vegetables, the mushrooms last. In total, the stew takes 9 minutes. Cook the echalots with the beer and add the other ingredients except the green herbs. Cook until 1/2 of it is thickened. Mix, add the green vegetables, mix again and flavour with pepper, salt and lemon juice. Fry the tournedos ‘rare’ and keep it warm. Deglaze the frying pan with the demi-glace sauce. Thicken and flavour.

Pour the chive sauce over a big warm plate. Put the meat in the middle and pour the demi-glace sauce over it. Arrange the vegetables around it and decorate the plate with a leaf of cellery, red lettice and few mini tomatoes.

Source:  http://www.duvel.be