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Beer Recipes » Main dishes » Marinated pork filet

    2 pork filets
    2 spoons of mustard seed
    1 bottle of Duvel
    50 gr of butter
    a knife end of sugar

Put mustard generously on the filets. Put them in a dish and pour beer over them. Cover with a plastic foolscap to keep it fresh and put it overnight in the fridge to have it marinate. Remove the mustard from the filets, rinse and dry them. Roll the filets in flour and fry them in half of the butter. Put salt and a bit of sugar.

Pour the marinade of mustard over the meat and cook it. Mix with fried substances that stick to the bottom of the cooking pot. Cover it and leave it cooking softly for about 10 minutes with the cover on. Remove the filets from the sauce, put them into an aluminium foolscap and let them have a rest. Thicken the sauce by cooking, mix the remaining butter in it and flavour. Finish the sauce by adding chopped parsley.

Serve with apple-sauce and potatoe croquettes.

Source:  http://www.duvel.be