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Beer Recipes » Main dishes » Grilled fillet of plaice with Tierenteyn mustard and Duvel

    4 fillet of plaice
    1 kg fresh spinach
    4 eggs
    ½ a bottle of Duvel
    10 cl fish stock
    25 cl cream
    Tierenteyn (or some other traditionally made) mustard
    olive oil
    salt and pepper

Reduce the Duvel and the fish stock to about a half. Add cream and mustard (to taste). Take care not to let the mustard prevail. Season with salt and pepper. Rinse the spinach and stew in some butter. Season.

Fold the fillets double to get some thickness, coat with flour, dust off excess flour, rub with olive oil and place on the grill (2 minutes each side).

Poach the eggs. Dress in layers: fillet, spinach, fillet, poached egg. Pour over the sauce. Garnish with a sprig of chervil.

When serving, you could pierce the egg so that the egg yolk flows over the turret.

Source:  http://www.duvel.be