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Beer Recipes » Main dishes » Asparagus in Duvel

    1 kg asparagus
    1 bottle of Duvel (33 cl)
    1 dl cream
    1 coffee spoon of lemon juice
    1 yolk
    1 spoon of chopped parsley
    salt, nutmeg

Peel the asparagus carefully and keep its peels. Rinse the peels with cold water. Cook the Duvel (33 cl) together with an equal amount of water, lemon juice and a bit of salt. Add the asparagus peels and cook it all for 15 minutes. Sieve the bouillon and collect its liquid. Cook the asparagus in this liquid. Take the asparagus out of the bouillon and keep them warm. To prepare the sauce: take 2 dl of the cooking juice, 1 dl of cream and the yolk. Beat it up lightly in a bain-marie. Flavour with nutmeg. Display the asparagus on the warm sauce and put parsley on top of them.

Many thanks to Frans Baeten, cook of restaurant de Pirrewit.

Source:  http://www.duvel.be