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Beer Recipes » Main dishes » Endives à la mode de Chimay

    8 slices of ham
    33 cl (11.2 fl.oz.) of Chimay Triple
    8 slices of Chimay Grand Classic cheese
    1/4 l (1/2 pt.) meat stock
    12 onions
    2 shallots
    1 tablespoon of flour
    thyme, bay, parsley
    salt, pepper, butter

Melt 50 gr (1.75 oz.) of butter in a casserole and fry the endives in it on a high heat for a few minutes. When the endives are golden brown, cover them and continue cooking on a low heat for about fifteen minutes.

In the meantime, melt a knob of butter in a deep frying pan and fry the shallots and chopped onions.

When they are nicely golden, mix in the flour and add the Trappist beer. Add the thyme, bay, salt, pepper and meat stock. Bring to the boil.

Roll up the cheese slices in the ham slices and fasten them with cocktail sticks.

When the endives are cooked, poach the ham slices for 1 minute in the stock which is just simmering. Thicken the stock with cornflour.

Place one endive and two slices of ham on each plate. Top with sauce and decorate with sprigs of parsley.

Preparation Time:  20 min

Cooking Time:  20 min

Source:  http://www.chimay.com