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Beer Recipes » Main dishes » Marinated chicken brochette, mousseline with Chimay Blue

    4 skinned chicken breast
    2 dl of soja sauce
    50 gr of caster sugar
    2 dl of Chimay "Blue"
    3 egg yolks + 125 gr of butter
    2 potatoes type "bintje"
    80 gr of Chimay Grand Classique cheese diced into cubes
    1 tablespoon of olive oil
    20 gr of farm butter

Cut the chicken breasts into regular cubes of 2 cm/2 cm and reserve.

Prepare the marinade with the Chimay Blue + soja sauce + caster sugar

Place the chicken cubes into the marinade and keep in the fridge.

Wash, peel and dice the potatoes (1cm/1cm), rince them to avoid sticking together and strain them.

Take a saucepan, melt the olive oil and butter and cook the potatoes cubes. At the end of cooking, add salt and the cubes of Chimay Grand Classique cheese. Keep warm.

Prepare the mousseline sauce. Separate the egg yolks from the whites. In a small saucepan, pour the yolks, add 2 tablespoons of marinade and whip the mousseline on low heat gaz. When yolks start hardening, add butter bit by bit while mixing. Add salt and pepper to your taste.

Take a saucepan and cook the cubes of chicken in the butter. After cooking, make the brochettes.

Dish the potatoes cubes and the Chimay cheese on a warm plate with the brochette and pour the mousseline on top.

Preparation Time:  15 min

Cooking Time:  25 min

Source:  http://www.chimay.com