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Beer Recipes » Main dishes » Pigeon-chest fillets with Gouden Carolus

    8 pigeon-chest fillets
    200 g shallots
    2 spoons cream butter
    2 spoons sunflower oil
    6 spoons poultry fond
    1 spoon Worcestershire sauce
    25 cl Gouden Carolus Classic (bottle of 33 cl)
    2 teaspoons finely contused white pepper grains
    1 spoon chopped parsley
    pepper from the mill and salt to taste

Rub the pigeon-chest fillets in with some pepper and salt and bake it round and round as short as possible in a mixture of cream butter and oil. Ensure that the fillets are beautiful rosé on the inside. Pull the fillets out of the pan and keep them warm. Bake the peeled shallots in the remaining baking fluid, until they have become glazed and add fond, the beer and finely contused white pepper grains and let it stew for a quarter of an hour up to twenty minutes. Finally mix it with the Worcestershire sauce and bring it on taste with some salt. Distribute the warm fillets and sauce over the preheated dinner plates and garnish with the chopped parsley. Serve with mashed potatoes and pods stewed in butter or chicory stewed in butter. Drink a good cooled glass Gouden Carolus Classic.

Source:  http://www.hetanker.be